Knowledge, Engaged

Climate Change Responsibilities of Businesses and Human Rights Impacts w/Robert McCorquodale

October 27, 2021 Institute Season 2 Episode 4

Robert McCorquodale talks to Ben Sherwood about Human Rights Due Diligence and how addressing corporation's human rights responsibilities could be a valuable approach in the fight against climate change.

Knowledge, Engaged is brought to you by The Institute of Policy and Engagement at the University of Nottingham, to bring together the ground-breaking research done at Nottingham and you, the listener. Join us as we explore the work the researchers are doing and how it makes a difference in the world around them.

For more information about Robert's work and the Institute, please use the following links:

Robert's blog:
Corporate Justice Coalition:
Business and Human Rights Resource Centre:

Robert's bio and Research:
The Institute for Policy and Engagement:
UoN's COP26 Pages:
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